Edwin Bywater

Ed has more than 40 years of experience as a process engineer and as an operations leader in the petrochemical/polymer industry. He has a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Brigham Young University. He started his career with Exxon Chemical Company in 1980 as a contact engineer, eventually moving into an Operations Leader role and eventually to a manufacturing executive and a venture manager. He worked most of his career in Polymer process area at ExxonMobil, specializing in Operations and Startup & Commissioning. He was responsible for the assessment of facilities in Japan, Singapore and Australia vs XOM best practice in maintenance, operations, safety & staffing. He was also responsible for developing startup organization, oversight of technical & manufacturing aspects of polyethylene units in Singapore. He retired as a polyethylene manufacturing manager from ExxonMobil in 2017. Since then, he had been working as a consultant in the manufacturing and process plant startup area.