Mark Bothamley
MR. MARK BOTHAMLEY has experience that covers the areas of design, operation, troubleshooting and optimization of offshore and onshore oil and gas production and treating facilities. Prior to joining PetroSkills he was with BP/Amoco for 24 years, in several locations around the world. Mr. Bothamley is a past chairman of the SPE Facilities Subcommittee and a former member of the GPSA Data Book Editorial Review Board. Mr. Bothamley holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, and a Diploma in Natural Gas and Petroleum Technology from the British Columbia Institute of Technology in Vancouver, BC Canada.
- Troubleshooting Gas Processing Facilities - PF-49G
- Oil Well Pad Facilities (for non-Facilities Engineers) - OWPF-nFE
- Debottlenecking Gas Processing Facilities - G-33
- Separation Equipment - Selection and Sizing - PF-42
- Heat Transfer Equipment - PF-43
- Troubleshooting Oil and Gas Processing Facilities - PF-49
- Troubleshooting Oil Processing Facilities - PF-49O
- Onshore Gas Gathering Systems: Design and Operations - PF-45