Richard Henry
MR. RICHARD HENRY has ten years management experience of multidisciplinary teams including construction projects, JIT manufacturing, and (petroleum) field audits. He has twenty-five years reservoir engineering experience including simulation, field management and reserves determination, and forty years' experience in programming, software engineering, and information technology. He holds a BSc Industrial Engineering (Honors, 1987) and a MSc in Petroleum Engineering (1997) from the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad. He is a graduate of Texaco's elite (30 candidates selected worldwide) and intensive (6 month) reservoir management training program (1998).
- Basic Reservoir Engineering - BR - eLearning series
- Unconventional Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering - URE - eLearning series
- Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Analysis and Design - HML1
- Reservoir Simulation Strategies - RSS
- Waterflooding A to Z - WF
- Reservoir Fluid Properties: Preparation for Reservoir Engineering and Simulation Studies - RFP
- Decline Curve Analysis and Diagnostic Methods for Performance Forecasting - DCA
- Waterflooding A to Z - WF - eLearning series
- Applied Reservoir Engineering - RE - Virtual + eLearning series
- Basic Reservoir Engineering - BR