Stanley Kleinsteiber

STANLEY KLEINSTEIBER is a Senior Petroleum Engineer with Sproule, a global energy consulting and advisory firm. Mr. Kleinsteiber has over 42 years of petroleum engineering experience and has authored or co-authored papers dealing with CO2 flooding for enhanced oil recovery, rate transient analysis in low permeability reservoirs, and depletion of a rich gas condensate reservoir by nitrogen injection.

Since joining Sproule, he has managed and participated in reservoir projects around the world, including Algeria, Australia, Belize, Canada, Hungary, Indonesia, Poland, Romania, Tunisia, and the United States. Prior to joining Sproule, he held various reservoir engineering positions with Amoco Production Company both in their Tulsa, Oklahoma research center and Denver regional production office. Mr. Kleinsteiber's last position with Amoco was Western Business Unit Technology Coordinator where he was an internal reservoir engineering consultant to the business unit's staff in the Rocky Mountain and Mid-Continent regions.

Mr. Kleinsteiber received a BS in petroleum engineering with highest honors from the University of Oklahoma in 1978 and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Colorado and Wyoming.