Stephen (Steve) Cheung

DR. STEVE CHEUNG is the President of SteveIOR Consultants, and an Adjunct Associate Professor in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Southern California. He has over 35 years of experience in major oil company, academia and independent consulting. During his 30 years at Chevron, Dr. Cheung had both research and field experience in waterflood management, downhole remediation, formation damage, well stimulation, chemical EOR, well completions, oil field chemicals, reservoir characterization, and water shutoff. He taught in-house classes and trouble-shot oilfield problems around the world. He has received many SPE awards and recognitions, including Distinguished Lecturer (2006), Distinguished Member (2013), Distinguished Service Award (2016), and Regional Well Completions Optimization and Technology Award (2016). He is a member of the SPE Global Training and Soft-skills Committees. Dr. Cheung has chaired many SPE workshops, conferences and technical sessions. He holds an MS in Petroleum Engineering and a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Southern California and the University of California, Irvine, respectively.