Centrifugal Pumps: Introduction


About the eLearning Course

Centrifugal pumps are machines that use centrifugal force to move liquids. In this program, you will learn the principles, parts, and general operation of these pumps, what pump efficiency is, and how head and pressure are calculated.

Target Audience

Operations personnel who require a fundamental understanding of knowledge to operate and maintain facilities. Also suitable for maintenance and technician personnel whether new to their roles or seasoned experts looking to enhance their skills.

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • Define potential energy and describe what causes fluids to flow.
  • Calculate pressure and head.
  • Determine total head using suction head and discharge head.
  • Describe the impact vapor pressure has on a fluid.
  • Define and calculate net positive suction head.
  • Define centrifugal force and describe the operation of a centrifugal pump.
  • Describe the ways in which centrifugal pumps are classified.
  • Identify the differences between impeller, axial flow, and turbine pumps.
  • Summarize the operation of vertical pumps.
  • Describe the operation of pumps in series and parallel.
  • Define capacity and describe how to increase pump capacity.
  • Explain horsepower and calculate overall efficiency and volumetric efficiency.
  • Use the performance curve chart to find the relationship of pump capacity to total head, NPSH, efficiency, and horsepower.

Product Details


Mechanical Maintenance



Product Type:

eLearning Course




4 hours (approx.)
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