Characterization of In-situ Stresses


About the eLearning Course

Probably one of the most important tasks in geomechanical characterization is finding different components of in-situ stresses as discussed in this skill module.

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Target Audience

Geoscientists, petrophysicists, completion and drilling engineers or anyone involved in unconventional reservoir development

You Will Learn

Participants will learn how to:

  • Identify the significance of in-situ stresses in subsurface operations with examples from different subsurface operations such as drilling, hydraulic fracturing, fluid production, and waste disposal
  • Identify the in-situ stress components in the Earth and verify the validity of common approaches used to simplify the in-situ stress tensor
  • Describe the difference between present-day and paleo stresses and explain how natural phenomena and subsurface operations can disturb in-situ stresses
  • Calculate vertical stress (Sv) from density logs and quality control and re-build the density logs when necessary
  • Explain and use different methods used for identifying horizontal stress orientation such as drilling indicators, sonic anisotropy analysis, seismology and microseismic data, natural fractures, geological indicators, lab and in-situ stress tests, etc.
  • List different methods used for estimation/measurement of minimum in-situ stress (Shmin) such as well tests such as mini-frac, extended leak-off test, DFIT
  • Implement poroelastic modeling for estimation of the magnitudes of minimum and maximum horizontal stress (Shmin)

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Product Type:

eLearning Course




4 hours (approx.)
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