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In general, gas viscosity is used in fluid flow pressure drop calculations, detailed heat exchanger calculations, and droplet settling calculations for separation. It is also used for trouble shooting and equipment sizing. In this Tip of The Month (TOTM), several options/methods for estimating viscosity of lean sweet natural (hydrocarbon) gases as a function of pressure, temperature, and relative density (composition) were reviewed [1- 4]. These methods were graphical charts or empirical correlations covering wide ranges of pressure (0.10 to 20 MPa, 14.5 to 2900 Psia), temperature (0 to 200 °C, 32 to 392 °F), and relative density (0.60 to 0.80). Using ProMax [5] a series of generalized charts presented to show the behavior of gas viscosity with pressure, temperature, and relative density (composition) and can be used to determine gas viscosity. Example charts are shown on page 2 To learn more about this Tip and past Tips of the Month, visit JMC Tip of the Month.


The July 2016 tip of the month (TOTM) considered the presence of methanol in the sour gas stream and determined the quantitative traces of methanol ending up in the sweet gas, flash gas and acid gas streams. To achieve this, the tip simulated a simplified MDEA gas sweetening unit by computer. That tip also studied the effect of feed sour gas temperature, methanol content, and the rate of replacing condensed reflux with fresh water on the sweet gas methanol content. For the two feed sour gas temperatures of 32.2 and 43.3 °C (90 and 110 °F) the tip studied three inlet gas methanol contents of 50, 250, and 500 PPMV. In each case the tip varied rate of freshwater replacement from 0 to 100 % by an increment of 20%. The simulated results are presented graphically. To improve methanol removal efficiency from the feed sour gas stream, the July 2016 TOTM was revisited, and the following modifications were incorporated. 1. Because the feed gas contains methanol, a known polar compound, we used ProMax simulation software with “Amine Sweetening – Polar PR” instead of “Amine Sweetening – PR” property package to perform all the simulations. 2. In July 2016 TOTM the “Water Draw” stream removed a specified fraction of the condensed reflux, and the “Fresh Water” stream added the same amount of fresh water to the return reflux at the top of regenerator column. A better alternative where the amount of water draw is supplied by the amine makeup tool of ProMax was used. 3. The effect of feed gas pressure on the methanol removal by amine sweetening process for pressures of 600, 800, and 1000 psig (4200, 5600, and 7000 kPag) was investigated and reported.


Continuing July 2022 tip of the month, this tip demonstrates applications of the models developed based on the experimental VLE and VLLE data measurements presented in the Gas Processors Association (GPA) research report RR-242. The models will be used for estimation of solubilities of a mixture consisted of Benzene, Toluene, and Ethylbenzene in loaded amine solution with CO2 and/or H2S. This is important because all BTEX components, both soluble and absorbed, in the contactor will be removed from the solution in the flash drum and regenerator, the emissions will be essentially equal to the amount absorbed. Correctly estimating the quantity of absorbed BTEX and understanding the factors that affect absorption levels is critical to ensure the proper mitigation methods are provided to meet the required emission limits.


Introducción En seguimiento de los dos últimos Previos del Mes (TOTM/PDM) sobre el gasoducto Nord Stream de larga distancia, el cual transmite el gas natural desde Rusia hasta Europa, este PDM resume la aplicación de varias correlaciones/ecuaciones disponibles para determinar la capacidad máxima de susodicha línea de larga distancia. Adicionalmente, se pueden realizar cómputos para efectuar cómputos a presión P, lpc/kPa, y temperatura T ºF/ºC ; demostrando que un gasoducto de larga distancia puede ser aplicado también para estimar como estas líneas igualmente pueden ser aplicadas para proporcionar volumen de almacenamiento del gas.


Following on the previous two tips of the month (TOTMs) on Nord Stream long distance pipeline for gas transmission from Russia to Europe, this TOTM discusses the application of various long distance gas transmission correlations/equations that are available to determine the maximum gas capacity of a long distance pipeline. In addition, calculations can be done to estimate the line packed gas volume; demonstrating that a long‐distance pipeline can be used as a gas storage facility as well.

Parte 2 Corriente NORD STREAM – Varias vías paralelas hacia el éxito o fracaso?


Los Proyectos de la Corriente Nord Stream 1 & 2 son tremendos logros de la ingeniería. En un Previo del Mes anterior, hemos discutido los aspectos técnicos del Diagrama de Fase, y su fase densa correspondiente, la Hidráulica, Selección de Diámetro, Espesor de la chapa del oleoducto, perfil de la gradiente de presión, y capacidad de transmisión de estas múltiples líneas de transmisión en paralelo. Este Previo del MES (PDM/TOTM) presentara el contexto y comparación del orden de magnitud de algunos de estos números. Para informarse sobre este Previo, y los pasados Previo del Mes (PDM/TOTM), visite la dirección JMC Tip of the Month.