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Estimation of Solubilities of Selected Hydrocarbons Compounds in Treating Solvents


This tip demonstrates applications of the models developed based on the experimental VLE and VLLE data measurements presented in the Gas Processors Association (GPA) research report RR-242. The models can be used for estimation of solubilities of selected hydrocarbons in pure water, unloaded amine solution, loaded amine solution with CO2 and/or H2S. Because all selected hydrocarbons, both soluble and absorbed, in the contactor will be removed from the solution in the flash drum and regenerator, the emissions will be essentially equal to the amount absorbed. This tip will focus on the following design variables: - Solubility of selected hydrocarbons in pure water. - GPA Midstream RR-242 Proposed Model. - Relative solubility of benzene, toluene, and ethyl benzene using charts. - Solubility of benzene, toluene, and ethyl benzene in 50 wt % MDEA solution, using chart and table.


Following on the previous two tips of the month (TOTMs) on Nord Stream long distance pipeline for gas transmission from Russia to Europe, this TOTM discusses the application of various long distance gas transmission correlations/equations that are available to determine the maximum gas capacity of a long distance pipeline. In addition, calculations can be done to estimate the line packed gas volume; demonstrating that a long‐distance pipeline can be used as a gas storage facility as well.

Parte 2 Corriente NORD STREAM – Varias vías paralelas hacia el éxito o fracaso?


Los Proyectos de la Corriente Nord Stream 1 & 2 son tremendos logros de la ingeniería. En un Previo del Mes anterior, hemos discutido los aspectos técnicos del Diagrama de Fase, y su fase densa correspondiente, la Hidráulica, Selección de Diámetro, Espesor de la chapa del oleoducto, perfil de la gradiente de presión, y capacidad de transmisión de estas múltiples líneas de transmisión en paralelo. Este Previo del MES (PDM/TOTM) presentara el contexto y comparación del orden de magnitud de algunos de estos números. Para informarse sobre este Previo, y los pasados Previo del Mes (PDM/TOTM), visite la dirección JMC Tip of the Month.

Part 2: Nord Stream Pipelines – Multiple Parallel Paths to Success or Failure?


The Nord Stream 1 & 2 Subsea Pipeline Projects are a tremendous feat of engineering. In a previous Tip of the Month, we discussed the technical aspects of the Phase Envelope, Hydraulics, Diameter selection, Pipe wall thickness, pressure gradient profile, and flowrate for these multiple parallel pipelines. This Tip of the Month will present some context and comparison of the magnitude of some of these numbers.

Transporte del Gas Natural en su Fase Densa – Corriente Nord 1


Se han puesto en marcha gasoductos con capacidad del transporte del CO2, y el gas natural en su fase densa. Debido a la alta densidad de este resulta en gasoductos de menor diámetro representando ahorros sustanciales. El transporte de fase densa igual asegura la eliminación del liquido en la tubería para los sistemas de producción del gas natural. La aplicación de la fase densa de los hidrocarburos fue discutido brevemente en el Previo del Mes de Agosto 2012. Hemos analizado el transporte del gas natural en su fase densa y comparado estos resultados con el caso de la transmisión del citado gas aplicando la opción de dos fases (gas-liquido) Nuestras investigaciones sobresaltaron algunas ventajas así como las desventajas relacionadas cn el transporte del ga en su fase densa. En este PDM (TOTM), presentaremos un resumen, incluyendo varias facetas únicas del citado transporte del gas natural en el gasoducto Nord Stream 1.

Transportation of Natural Gas in Dense Phase – Nord Stream 1


Pipelines have been built to transport CO2 and natural gas in the dense phase region due to its higher density which results in a smaller pipeline diameter resulting in significant capital cost savings. Dense phase transport also provides the added benefit of no liquid formation in the pipeline for produced natural gas gathering systems. The application of dense phase in the oil and gas industry was discussed briefly in the August 2012 TOTM. We have studied transportation of natural gas in the dense phase region and compared the results with the case of transporting the same gas using a two phase (gas-liquid) option. Our study highlighted some of the advantages as well disadvantages transporting natural gas in the dense phase. In this TOTM, we will present an overview, including some of the unique features, of the dense phase transportation of natural gas by the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.